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2014 Honda Civic EX

136,806 miles

Frequently asked questions about 2014 Honda Civic EX

What type of fuel does a 2014 Honda Civic EX use?
A 2014 Honda Civic EX uses Gasoline.
What is the 2014 Honda Civic EX fuel capacity?
A 2014 Honda Civic EX has the fuel capacity of 13 gallons.
How much horsepower does a 2014 Honda Civic EX have?
A 2014 Honda Civic EX has 143 horsepower.
How much torque does a 2014 Honda Civic EX have?
A 2014 Honda Civic EX has 129 lb-ft torque.
What is the 2014 Honda Civic EX city fuel economy / miles per gallon?
A 2014 Honda Civic EX has a city fuel economy of 30 mpg.
What safety features does the 2014 Honda Civic EX have?
The 2014 Honda Civic EX is equipped with camera display blind spot safety, rearview camera system, front side airbags, rear side curtain airbags, front side curtain airbags, dual front active head restraints, 4-wheel abs, auto-locking power door locks, alarm anti-theft system, braking assist, disc rear brake, ventilated disc front brake, dual front airbags, vehicle immobilizer anti-theft system, power brakes, latch system child seat anchors, electronic brakeforce distribution, stability control, traction control, in dash rearview monitor, front seatbelt pretensioners, front seatbelt force limiters, front emergency locking retractors, rear emergency locking retractors, front seatbelt warning sensor.
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2014 Honda Civic EX


136,806 miles
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