ALM Cars

Sell Your Car in Atlanta, GA or Florence, SC

Why Sell Us Your Vehicle?

Most people in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina know that when they are ready to buy a new or used vehicle, ALM Cars is the place to go for the best selection, the most fair and reasonable process, and an exceptional sales team. Sadly, fewer people know that when selling a car, truck, or SUV, ALM Cars is still the first call they should make. Or they can take a moment on our website to enter a small amount of information to get an instant offer to buy their vehicle.

A Simple And Professional Sales Process

When you are ready to sell an older car, or you have a vehicle that is costing money to keep insured and maintain the cost of the registration, you might not think about reaching out to a car dealership. However, when you look at it from our perspective at ALM Cars, we hope to change that opinion. We offer a fast and simple process to sell your car without investing time in running an ad, showing the car to countless potential buyers, and taking the time to go to a bank or notary to complete the sale.

At ALM Cars, you only enter a small amount of information about your vehicle into our valuation page and then get an offer from our dealership. Once you have the offer, you can accept it and receive a check or apply it as a down payment if you decide to purchase from our dealership. In addition, you should know that even after entering the information and getting your offer, you are not obligated to sell us the car. But if you decide our offer meets your needs, just come into one of our 16 dealerships with the car and offer to get your check. Our team will quickly verify all of the information and the condition of the car and then provide you with your check.

Why Is ALM Cars The Best Choice To Sell Your Vehicle?

When you decide to sell your car, you can choose between going to a reliable and transparent dealership like ALM Cars or trying to find a direct buyer. Most people assume that when they sell directly to another person, they will get a better price for their vehicle. And while that could be true in some cases, it is not a given. Locating a buyer interested in your car will take weeks or months and require hours of your time. And even when you find someone interested in the car, they want to negotiate far below what you hope to agree upon as the sale price.

The other option is to provide some basic information to ALM Cars, which can be done online at a time that works best for you. Then, you get the amount our dealership is willing to pay for the car. There is no long negotiation process or concern that we will back out on the offer. Your next step is to bring the vehicle and offer to our dealership at a time that suits your busy schedule. Then, you sign over the car to our staff and pick up your check.

We work very hard to make the process of purchasing a car from you as simple as possible so that when you are ready to buy, you think of the great experience you had selling your old vehicle to ALM Cars. Please take a moment to get an offer from our dealership and know that you can have that old car sold in a matter of minutes.