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When shopping for a new car, truck, or SUV, you might not yet have decided if you will trade in your current vehicle or try to sell it on your own. Many new vehicle buyers feel they will make more on the sale of the vehicle when selling it directly to a buyer instead of a dealership. And in general, that is true. The car's sale price will often be higher if you sell directly to another person. But you might not actually be getting the most money in the overall deal, including selling your current vehicle and buying your next one. But what you can be sure of is that when you trade your current vehicle in on the purchase of a new or used selection at ALM Cars, you will get the best offer we can from our honest and transparent team.
When you think about how our free market economy works, you envision the best outcome for a seller as receiving the highest price possible for the item they are selling. In most cases, that is true. You have the cost of the item that you must cover, and then every dollar over that amount is your profit. However, selling your current car is not the same as selling the furniture you build or the flowers you grow.
A vehicle purchase is often a significant amount. Therefore, the tax you pay on the car is also a sizable amount. But we all must do our part to support our country and pay our fair share in taxes from our income to the sales tax on items we purchase. However, you can impact the amount of sales tax paid on your next vehicle purchase by applying the value of your trade-in vehicle to the purchase price of your new car. Instead of paying sales tax on $35,000 for your new car and then waiting to get $10K for your old vehicle when you sell it, you can trade the car in at ALM Cars and apply the $9,500 we pay for the vehicle to your new car purchase. That means you are now paying tax on $25,500. In addition, you will not be carrying the cost of insurance and license plates for both vehicles until you find a buyer for your old car.
Everyone is sure to agree that today's lifestyle is far more hectic than that of past generations. We all feel as though we live on a schedule that is overbooked and stressful. While you were motivated to make the time to shop for your new vehicle, it could become more challenging to make the time needed to meet potential buyers of your current vehicle. In addition, you will likely need to meet the buyer at a bank or notary to complete the sales process. So, you must ask yourself what the value of your time is. How many hours are you willing to invest to get a few hundred dollars more for your used car? If the answer is only one or two, or even ten, you will undoubtedly be well ahead financially and in the time you save by trading in your current vehicle and applying the trade-in amount to your new car, truck, or SUV.